2015 has been a busy and cold year so far. Between Report Cards, IEPs, IPRCs (for 7s and 8s), and team meetings it has been hard finding time to update our blog. We have a few new changes happening this year. The GECDSB has provided every student with their own email address and the ability to access Microsoft Office Suite for free (up to 5 copies!). We have not received any special training on this however if you visit www.publicboard.ca click on students, scroll down to Office 365 and click, you will be taken to the email homepage. A student can then enter their student number and password (what they use at school) and have access to Microsoft OneDrive. When we receive more information I will send it to you. Here is what I have received thusfar:
New Login Screen for Office 365
has created a new login screen. Under the banner of our Board
Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (BIPSA), features of the new
login screen include:
- Students will only need to enter their student number when logging in to Office 365. (Students DO NOT need to add “@student.publicboard.ca”. This is automatically inserted by the new login screen.)
- A link to the Digital Responsibility Regulation (R-IT-03) shared with you on November 25th.
- A randomized message created by staff and the Student Senate to help remind us of simple ways to maintain Digital Responsibility.
Student Office 365 Accounts and Student Advantage for Students
The student Office 365 accounts are accessible to students through the browser of any Internet connected device, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These accounts will include:
· Unlimited secure cloud storage for student digital file storage (OneDrive for Business)
· Access to Office
Online Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote) which allow
students to view and edit documents through the browser even if they do
not have Office installed on the device.
· A
Calendar to keep organized, including the potential for teacher(s) to
add events, due dates etc. and for students to overlay class/sport
calendars generated by teachers.
· A task list to further assist with organization
· An “@student.publicboard.ca” student email account to submit assignments and communicate through a Board email account
· Inclusion
in the class Distribution List which is updated daily through the
Student Information System. This allows teachers to share assignments
with students using a class group instead of inputting individual email
· Access to website creation (where applicable)
· Blogging tools
· Document sharing and group editing for collaboration on group projects (OneDrive for Business file sharing)
· Advertisement-free space with no data mining.
Note: Although Yammer will appear in the students menu bar, students will not have access to “Yammer.”
In addition to the above, each student is eligible to receive the Student Advantage for Students which includes five free licenses for the entire Microsoft Professional Office
Suite, including the full iOS and/or Android Apps for their
home/personal devices. Students will receive information about this
with their Office 365 login information in the near future (before the Holiday break).
Congratulations for our December Character Counts Winner Natasa!
Upcoming Events:
15th - Food Day16th - PA Day
20th - Lancer's Women's Basketball Team Visit
23rd - Eco Assembly
26th - Spitfires Visit
29th - Character Counts Awards
Magical Night of Literacy
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