Sunday, November 9, 2014

November Newsletter

It has been a very busy couple of weeks at Davis Public. I have been working hard preparing both Report Cards and IEPs for Term 1. I can say that I am very happy with the progress of all my students. We have really come a long way in our organization, which has made us far more responsible in getting our work completed and in on time. Now that our routines are firmly in place, I am beginning to pull back a tiny bit in overseeing the organization of our materials, planners, and homework thereby making the students more accountable for their own materials, and more independent.

New in November

This month I will begin teaching a period of Social Skills each week. I will be centering our activities around a Social Skills Program called 'Zones of Regulation'. The foundation of this program was taught last year by Mrs. Ferrari our Child and Youth Worker. The curriculum focuses on the recognition of emotions in ourselves and other as well as teaching the child appropriate coping skills when experiencing anxiety or stress. I will also incorporate character and team building skills into these lessons.


We have had great success in developing our stamina for writing creatively and for a variety of purposes. We will continue writing daily but now will focus on organization and the mechanics of proper writing. We will review and explore various parts of speech (linking verbs, adjectives, adverbs and pronouns) as well as continuing punctuation (quotation marks and commas) in dialogue. There will be a review and practice writing paragraphs and soon begin writing personal narratives.

The afternoon students have finished their first Literature Circle Novel. We will be completing a short quiz and report before moving onto a new novel.

Websites to support your child:


Quotation mark game


This month we will be focusing on multiplication and division. We have been practicing our multiplication tables daily and our recall of facts is improving. Some of the morning students will begin to explore time and measurement, however this is a skill that everyone can practice. You can assist your child at home by:
- frequently asking and reviewing the time with them,
- calling their attention to the amount of time an activity takes or at what time an activity usually takes place,
- practicing multiplication using flashcards  (available at


Congratulations Rana for being our October Character Counts Winner for Trustworthiness!!!

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